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Add File
File Name
This is the name of the file you are adding, such as 'My Picture.'
Short Description
This is a short description of the file. This will go on the page that lists all the files in a category, so this description should be short
Long Description
This is a longer description of the file. This will go on the file's information page so this description can be longer
This is the name of whoever created the file.
File Version
This is the version of the file, such as 3.0 or 1.3 Beta
Documentation/Manual URL
This is a URL to the documentation or a manual for the file
Post Icon
You can choose a post icon for the file. The post icon will be shown next to the file in the list of files.
This is the category the file belongs in.
This is the license agreement the user must agree to before downloading the file.
Upload Screenshot
You can upload screenshot by clicking on browse
Screenshot URL
This is a URL to a screenshot of the file. For example, if you are adding a Winamp skin, this would be a URL to a screenshot of Winamp with this skin. You can manually enter a URL or you can leave it blank and upload a screen shot using browse above.
Screen Shot as Link
If you want to show screen shot as link make this as yes.
Da  Ne 
File Upload
You can upload a file by clicking on browse
File URL
This is a URL to the file that will be downloaded. You can type it in manually or you can click on browse above and upload a file.
časovni pas GMT + 1 ura, srednjeevropski - zimski čas

Powered by paFileDB 3.1 2002 PHP Arena
This script (pafiledb integration v 0.0.9d + MX Addon 1.0) is modified by Mohd

časovni pas GMT + 1 ura, srednjeevropski - zimski čas
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