Pero Piše

Poezija - Delčki vašega srca?

-Naya- - Ned 06 Jun, 2004 16:41
Naslov sporočila: Delčki vašega srca?
Zaslišite popevko... poslušate besedilo in v uho vam pade del pesmi... dva, trije stavki... nekaj kar se vam vsidra v spomin in morda vam ravno zaradi teh parih stavkov postane popevka celo všeč.........

Kateri so odlomki iz "vaših" pesmi. Iz pesmi ki si jih vrtite na cd-jih, morda iz poezije, morda stavki iz filmov...
... delčki vašega srca?
... poezija vaše duše? rožice dam
Poklièunga - Ned 06 Jun, 2004 22:10
Naslov sporočila:
Tuki mislim,da bo večinoma tako,da nas komadi predvsem spominnjajo na dogodke iz pretekloti in na (večinoma bivše partnerje) osebe iz našega življenja.

Sam je pa en komad,ki se ga zdle spomnim,ki se mi je mal vgraviral v srce (sam ne cel komad,ampak samo začetek) in se začne......
Sej dobr veš kako to gre
hey beybe beybe
Takoj sm te opazu,dej poglej me.
Tvoji lasje tvoje oči,tvoja postava ti,ti si zame taprava.
Kok se lepo smejiš,kok dobr zgledaš,kok lepo dišiš
in a se sploh zavedaš kaj mi delaš,ko me tko gledaš
in tud k odpreš usta si ql,čist nč mi ne najedaš.
Sej sm ti tud jz všeč no kr priznej!
Midva sva za skupi,naredu te bom srečno za večno.
Vse kar pravm mislm resno,nočm se lagt in ne misl,da se hočm s tabo sam igrt.
Posluši me zdj zlo dobr,jz te mam rd in pazu te bom tko k te je do zdj pazu tvoj brt.
I love you,te kiero,ti amo,da vero ,ž latem(ne vem kako se napiše),
nosm te v srcu kamor kol grem.

Poslušite si ta komad pač,ne da se mi celga pisat!
Murat & Jose - Dokler bova skupi.
Anonymous - Ned 06 Jun, 2004 23:49
Naslov sporočila:
Komad Celin Dion- Because you loved me, ki si ga rada malo priredim v sedanjik.

For all those times you stood by me
for all the truth that you made me see
for all the joy you brouth to my life
for all the wrong that you made right
for every dream you made come true
for all love I found in you
I`ll be forever thankful baby
you`re the one who held me up
never let me fall
you`re the one who saw me through
trough it all

You were my strenght when I was weak
you were my voice when I couldn`t speak
you were my eyes when I coulden`t see
you saw the best there was in me
lifted me up when I coulden`t reach
you gave me faith `coz you believed
I`m everything I am
because you love me................................ še se nadaljuje pesem, ki pove več, kot zmorejo besede zaljubljenega. V tej pesmi so ujeta moja čustva, zaradi katerih sem srečna.
Anonymous - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 08:21
Naslov sporočila:
Men se je pa tale nekako zasidrala v srce
This Heart Of Mine

I lie awake watching your shoulders
Move so softly as you breathe
With every breathe you're growing older
But that is fine if you're with me

I pledge to wake you with a smile
I pledge to hold you when you cry
I pledge to love you till I die
Till I die

The rays of dawn plays on your eyelids
A sleeping beauty dressed in sun

I will wake you with a smile
I will hold you when you cry
I will love you till I die
Till I die

I believe this heart of mine when it tells my eyes
That this is beauty
I believe this heart of mine when it tells my mind
That this is reason
I believe this heart of mine when it cries at time
That this is forever
I believe this heart of mine when it tells the skies
That this is the face of God

I lie awake watching your shoulders
pa recimo tale k jo je Elvis prepevu.
The Wonder of You

When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on

And you're always there to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you

And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything

I'll guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me like you do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
Poklièunga - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 08:31
Naslov sporočila:
No sj jz sm hotu dat uno pesm tuki med datoteke,pa ni hotl sprejet.
Shajtana - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 09:17
Naslov sporočila:
Mislm da bi clovk znoru...tle se razpisem in oh in sploh in pol mi crkne vse skp in ne da gor. Confused Evil or Very Mad

No ja v glavnem tega je ful..teh komadov je ogromno..sploh zato ker jaz brez muske ne more zvet in se vsakem komadu skor najdem..ze zaradi cesa..i'm a music freak. pomežik

Drgac pa dost komadov od Bon Jovija je k so mi ful vsec tle je sam odlomk iz enga.

I want you:

I never wanted the stars
I never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All I wanted was you
So baby just turn away
Because I can't face the truth
All I'm trying to say
Is all I wanted was you

Potem pa se neki od Eaglesov:

"It seems to me some fine things has been laid upon your table..but you always want the ones that you can't get. Don't you draw the quuen of diamonds boy, she'll hutr you if she's able..queen of hearts is always your best bet."

"It wasn't really bad the way they said goodbye, or maybe it just hurt so bad she couldn't cry."

No nej bo to dost zaenkrat pomežik
mity - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 09:48
Naslov sporočila:
Io non so se mai si avererra
uno di quei sogni che uno fa
Voglio dire che vanno a posto tante cose
Ecco perche, ecco perche continero
asognarmi ancora un puo....
Shajtana - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 10:40
Naslov sporočila:
Hm...a prevoda bomo tud delezeni? smeh
mity - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 10:42
Naslov sporočila:
nop..zakaj?..a je kdo drug tud prevaju? Smile
Shajtana - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 11:00
Naslov sporočila:
Nesramnost pa taka. Sad
mity - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 11:02
Naslov sporočila:
nop.....sam za vse isti pogoji Smile
Shajtana - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 11:06
Naslov sporočila:
Ma je vecja moznost da folk angleska besedila razume kt pa italjanska. Twisted Evil pomežik
mity - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 11:09
Naslov sporočila:
seveda je vecja kaj? Smile..a bi to mogu bit kaksen faktor? Wink
Shajtana - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 11:21
Naslov sporočila:
Naturlich! pomežik Uh moska logika...
mity - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 15:13
Naslov sporočila:
Es ist ueberhaupt nicht wichtig! Wink..uh, zenska logika!
-Naya- - Pon 07 Jun, 2004 18:10
Naslov sporočila:
A bi vidva lahko nehala ircat???
Shajtana - Tor 08 Jun, 2004 07:02
Naslov sporočila:
Sorry Naya Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Sam k me pa jezi k ne zastopm besedila k sm firbec. Twisted Evil
Orfea - čet 17 Jun, 2004 16:57
Naslov sporočila:
hmm... tale je že malce starejšega datuma, a mi je v pomoč, ko sem na tleh...

In the east and in the west
Every bird will seek it’s nest
Everyone will seek it’s home
Home is where the heart goes.

And the moon will rise and fall
And the light will touch the tide
Are we holding hands and never feeling

All around the world we swing
Like a penny in a spin
Always looking for the way
To get out, to get in

Love is the groove in which we move
Love is the groove in which we move

In the alleys of Monsay
In the streets of Katmandu
On the high roads of Peru
People meet and touch and go

But the wind of change will blow
And another dance will start
And I’ll finally get the point
Like an arrow to my heart

Love is the groove in which we move
Love is the groove in which we move

Look back where’s the sea
Who brought this mystery
Deep in another world
Someone is listening

And they as with night
And we keep asking why
Look back there’s the key
Deep in another life

On this ship in which we sail
Everything is possible
Keep on turning like a star
Till you get to where you are

If I promise not to laugh
Will you promise not to cry
Will you promise not to let
This life, slip by

Love is the groove in which we move
Love is the groove in which we move
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