Bla Bla Bla - alko or vine Bassman - Tor 16 Jan, 2007 15:44 Naslov sporočila: alko or vine
It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 litre of water
each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1
kilo of Escherichia coli bacteria found in feces, in other words, we
are consuming 1 kilo of shit.
However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine. Because of the
alcohol, there IS no Escherichia coli bacteria in wine.
Therefore, it is a whole lot better to drink wine and talk shit than
to drink water and be full of shit. Mojsa - Tor 16 Jan, 2007 18:40 Naslov sporočila:
Ja, pa še ribe seksajo not, tako da vode res ni dobro pit sapramish - Tor 16 Jan, 2007 21:24 Naslov sporočila:
ja sam po vodi nimas ciroze jeter, po alkoholu pa Bassman - Tor 16 Jan, 2007 21:45 Naslov sporočila:
voda še za v čevelj ni dobra sapramish - Sre 17 Jan, 2007 11:25 Naslov sporočila:
bom tko rekla k mojmu fotru - za cevlje ni, za telo pa je