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Starost: 118
Pridružen/-a: 9:52, 20-Nov-2003
objave: 10490
Teme: 2469
Kraj: Ljubljana
134069.9 kinta/e
1015531.8 šold/e
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objavaObjavljeno: čet 29 Mar, 2007 17:48     Naslov sporočila:  Poboj živali Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


Stran je v Angleščini, zaradi tega ker izvira iz spletnih strani, ki so v angleščini.

Help save the baby seals by signing the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood. Your simple act could help end the seal hunt forever.

Dear Member,

As you read this, Humane Society International is preparing to bear witness to the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. Last year, fishermen clubbed and shot more than 350,000 seals in the North Atlantic. Almost all of them were babies, some as young as 12 days old, and reports indicate that some were skinned while alive and conscious.

I ask that you stand with us today and help us stop the seal hunt forever.

Sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood.


Seal hunting is an off-season activity for Canada's east coast commercial fishermen. They earn a small fraction of their incomes from selling seal skins to the fur industry: only a reported $17.5 million (Canadian) annually, compared to the nearly $3 billion taken in by the Canadian fishing industry from seafood exports just to the United States. The connection between the commercial fishing industry and the seal hunt in Canada gives consumers all over the world the power to end the vicious slaughter of seals.

This year, we are excited to report that the boycott is working! The Canadian fishing industry has suffered a $350 million (Canadian) decline in the value of snow crab exports to the United States alone. Help us keep the pressure on Canada's fishing industry by teaming up with the more than 340,000 people who have joined the boycott. Sign the pledge today!

Pass the pledge to friends.


Canada is sensitive to world opinion, and its fishing industry is vulnerable to the choices of the hundreds of thousands of people who refuse to buy Canadian seafood. Each and every person who signs the pledge will increase the pressure on Canada to end the hunt. Ask your friends and family to sign the pledge.

When the hunt unfolds later this month in the North Atlantic, HSI will once again be there with our cameras to show the world the ugly truth from the ice.

Stay in touch with our campaign to end the seal hunt and find up-to-the-minute news, videos, and actions you can take at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "community.hsus.org" claiming to be www.ProtectSeals.org.

Your involvement is critical to ending the awful abuses of the hunt. Thank you for joining us today in our fight to abolish the brutal seal hunt forever.


Andrew Rowan
Chief Executive Officer
Humane Society International

P.S. During the hunt, you can get frequent updates from Rebecca Aldworth, our director of Canadian Wildlife Issues, who is on the ice to witness and report on the slaughter. Visit her online journal, Live from the Ice.

Copyright © 2007 Humane Society International (HSI) | All Rights Reserved.
Humane Society International | 2100 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037 USA
info@hsi.org | 301-258-3010 | MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "community.hsus.org" claiming to be www.hsi.org

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Starost: 118
Pridružen/-a: 9:52, 20-Nov-2003
objave: 10490
Teme: 2469
Kraj: Ljubljana
134069.9 kinta/e
1015531.8 šold/e
10048.2 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Pet 13 Apr, 2007 17:54     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Zadeva se nadaljuje


www.vakciji.si ------------------ www.povej.com

 Ribi Spol:Moški Koza SkritOsebna Galerija od BassmanPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogMSN Messenger - naslovSkype Ime
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