1) Download the latest ffmpeg (ffmpeg.org) build for Windows (for example from here https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/). Use "FFmpeg 32-bit Static" to avoid problems
2) Extract the downloaded archive somewhere, for example on Desktop;
3) Run "Notepad", paste the following:
ffmpeg -threads 2 -i "%~dpnx1" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "%~dpn1_patched%~x1"
3.1) File / Save As ;
3.2) Locate "bin" folder of extracted ffmpeg, in your case it may be: <Desktop>ffmpeg-20160808-26695ae-win32-staticbin ;
3.3) "Save As Type" -> "All Files";
3.4) "File Name" -> "iLookPatch.cmd"
4) Run "Windows Explorer", locate the newly created script (iLookPatch.cmd) ;
5) Run another "Windows Explorer" and locate your corrupted iLook video ;
6) Just Drag&Drop your corrupted iLook video file to iLookPatch.cmd. It will create "<originalFileName>_patched.mov" video file near the original file.