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objavaObjavljeno: čet 27 Nov, 2003 17:55     Naslov sporočila:  Little Jack Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Little Jack was in his 5th grade class when the
>teacher asked the children what their fathers did
>for a living.
>All the typical answers came up -- Fireman,
>policeman, salesman, etc... Jack was being
>uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher
>asked him about his father.
>"My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret
>and takes off all his clothes In front of other
>men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good,
>he'll go out to the alley with some guy and make
>love with him for money."
>The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement,
>hurriedly set the other children to work on some
>coloring, and took Little Jack aside to ask him,
>"Is that really true about your father?"
>"No," said Jack, "He works for the Bush
>administration, but I was too embarrassed to say
>that in front of the other kids."


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