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Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 8:59, 05-Dec-2003
objave: 2367
Teme: 369
Kraj: dolenjska
18823.6 kinta/e
116.2 šold/e
286.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Pon 07 Jun, 2004 18:10     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

A bi vidva lahko nehala ircat???

Èlovek je svoboden, ko se nièesar ne boji in si nièesar ne želi! angel

 Kozorog Spol:ženska Tiger SkritOsebna Galerija od -Naya-Pošlji zasebno sporočiloPošlji E-sporočilo

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
258.2 šold/e
1466.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 08 Jun, 2004 07:02     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Sorry Naya Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Sam k me pa jezi k ne zastopm besedila k sm firbec. Twisted Evil

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Starost: 52
Pridružen/-a: 10:18, 10-Jun-2004
objave: 62
Teme: 2

314.0 kinta/e
59.7 šold/e
1.0 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: čet 17 Jun, 2004 16:57     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

hmm... tale je že malce starejšega datuma, a mi je v pomoč, ko sem na tleh...

In the east and in the west
Every bird will seek it’s nest
Everyone will seek it’s home
Home is where the heart goes.

And the moon will rise and fall
And the light will touch the tide
Are we holding hands and never feeling

All around the world we swing
Like a penny in a spin
Always looking for the way
To get out, to get in

Love is the groove in which we move
Love is the groove in which we move

In the alleys of Monsay
In the streets of Katmandu
On the high roads of Peru
People meet and touch and go

But the wind of change will blow
And another dance will start
And I’ll finally get the point
Like an arrow to my heart

Love is the groove in which we move
Love is the groove in which we move

Look back where’s the sea
Who brought this mystery
Deep in another world
Someone is listening

And they as with night
And we keep asking why
Look back there’s the key
Deep in another life

On this ship in which we sail
Everything is possible
Keep on turning like a star
Till you get to where you are

If I promise not to laugh
Will you promise not to cry
Will you promise not to let
This life, slip by

Love is the groove in which we move
Love is the groove in which we move

 Vodnar Spol:ženska Podgana NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od OrfeaPošlji zasebno sporočilo
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