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Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
258.2 šold/e
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objavaObjavljeno: Sre 07 Jan, 2004 13:32     Naslov sporočila:  Najljubše pesmi Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Lohk bi skopiral besedila svojih naljubših pesmi al pa napisal kere pesmi so to pa zakaj so vam tok všeč.

Tole je ena izmed mojih najljubših:


I get up in the evening
And I ain't got nothing to say
I come home in the morning
I go to bed feeling the same way
I ain't nothing but tired
Man I'm just tired and bored with myself
Hey there baby I could use just a little help

You can't start a fire
You can't start a fire without a spark
This gun's for hire
Even if we're just dancing in the dark

Message keeps getting clearer
Radio's on and I'm moving 'round the place
I check my look in the mirror
I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face
Man I ain't getting nowhere just living in a dump like this
There's something happening somewhere
Baby I just know that there is

You can't start a fire
You can't start a fire without a spark
This gun's for hire
Even if we're just dancing in the dark

You sit around getting older
There's a joke here somewhere and it's on me
I'll shake this world off my shoulders
Come on baby the laugh's on me

Stay on the streets of this town
And they'll be carving you up all right
They say you gotta stay hungry
Hey baby I'm just about starving tonight
I'm dying for some action
I'm sick of sitting 'round here trying to write this book
I need a love reaction
Come on now baby gimme just one look

You can't start a fire sitting round crying
over a broken heart
This gun's for hire
Even if we're just dancing in the dark
You can't start a fire worrying about your
little world falling apart
This gun's for hire

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Starost: 41
Pridružen/-a: 15:32, 06-Jan-2004
objave: 176
Teme: 5

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objavaObjavljeno: Sre 07 Jan, 2004 17:38     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Ena izmed najljubšh - dobro povedano.
Dobrih pesmi je ogromno in ti sedejo v enem ali večih različnih trenutkih. Moja najljubša trenutno pa je od Kanzyanija Leliwa Oz. I'd say yes, k je stara že kakšno leto, ampak mi je še nobena druga ni uspela izriniti. Ko bi jo vsaj na plati uspela staknit...

 Tehtnica Spol:ženska Prašič NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od mistressPošlji zasebno sporočilo

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
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1466.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Pet 09 Jan, 2004 08:29     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Itaq v vsakem obdobju življenja mamo druge najljubše pesmi, druge ki si jih izberemo za "himno".
Dancnig in the dark mi je zato všeč ker je realna ampak ni pesimistična in nekako da je čas za spremembo, (Man I'm just tired and bored with myself ....You can't start a fire worrying about your
little world falling apart ) ampak ni sprememb brez "pretresov" brez stopanja izven okvirov , ki smo jih bili navajeni.
No vsaj tko jaz gledam na to.

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Starost: 47
Pridružen/-a: 11:15, 20-Dec-2003
objave: 443
Teme: 17
Kraj: Mojstrana
7811.0 kinta/e
2.0 šold/e
64.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Sob 10 Jan, 2004 01:31     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Shajtana, zelo modro razmišljanje in dober okus. Bruce je zaznamoval tudi moje otroštvo, mojo mladost. Ti je všeč njegov komad Tougher then the rest? Sicer pa mislim da mam vse njegove albune nasmeh


 Rak Spol:Moški Kača NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od EAGLE-1Pošlji zasebno sporočiloPošlji E-sporočilo

Starost: 118
Pridružen/-a: 9:52, 20-Nov-2003
objave: 10490
Teme: 2469
Kraj: Ljubljana
134069.9 kinta/e
1015531.8 šold/e
10048.2 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Ned 15 Feb, 2004 12:26     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Daniel Bedingfield-If you are the one
pr tem komadu, vedno dobim občutke..............

www.vakciji.si ------------------ www.povej.com

 Ribi Spol:Moški Koza SkritOsebna Galerija od BassmanPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogMSN Messenger - naslovSkype Ime

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
258.2 šold/e
1466.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Pon 16 Feb, 2004 11:18     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Jap Bruce je legenda. Poznam tudi tisti komad Eagle.
Se en njegov k mi je zlo vsec je pa Brilliant disguise. Poznas?

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 8:59, 05-Dec-2003
objave: 2367
Teme: 369
Kraj: dolenjska
18823.6 kinta/e
116.2 šold/e
286.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Pon 16 Feb, 2004 12:58     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

I don't believe in an interventionist God
But I know darling that you do
But if I did I would kneel down and ask Him
Not to intervene when it came to you
Not to touch your hair on your head
But to leave you as you are
And if He felt He had to direct you
Then direct you into my arms

Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms

I don't believe in the existance of angels
But looking at you I wonder if that's true
And if I did I would summon them together
And ask them to watch over you
To each light a candle for you
To make bright and clear your path
And to walk like Christ in grace and love
And guide you into my arms

Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms

But I believe in love
And I know that you do too
And I believe in some kind of path
That we can walk down me and you
So keep your candle burning
Make a journey bright and pure
That you'll keep returning always and evermore

Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms oh Lord
Into my arms
(Nick Cave)

Èlovek je svoboden, ko se nièesar ne boji in si nièesar ne želi! angel

 Kozorog Spol:ženska Tiger SkritOsebna Galerija od -Naya-Pošlji zasebno sporočiloPošlji E-sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 2:20, 18-Mar-2004
objave: 4
Teme: 0

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objavaObjavljeno: čet 18 Mar, 2004 03:03     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Bruce...podpišem, Cave...podpišem nasmeh

sicer bi ta post lahko spadal tudi v glasbeno rubriko, ampak vseeno: nekaj dobrih besedil (o supelativih s predpono naj... tako ali tako med razumnimi ljudmi nima smisla govoriti) ki se mi trenutno vrtijo na playerju, vsem je skupno nekaj, čemur bi naši anglosaksonski bratje rekli: flawless songwriting and an excellent performance

Keb' Mo' - That's Not Love

It ain't you
No it ain't me
That's not the way
Love's supposed to be

And it's just no good
No it ain't right
For you to be sitting all alone
Crying every night

You're down on your knees
Scared he's gonna leave
But if you really wanna know
You're gonna have to let go

´Cause that's not love
Love don't feel that bad
That's not love
It don't feel that sad
No that's not love
'Cause you don't feel good inside
I don't know what it is
But that's not love

Inside your heart
It's always raining
And you're oh so tired
Tired of your own complaining

This is for real
It ain't no game
You can't measure your love
By the depths of your pain

Keb' Mo' - Just Like You

Hello my old friend
It's been awhile
All our old clothes
Are back in style
We went our separate ways,
Only to return
To face a lesson
We failed to learn

We didn't understand the truth
We were blinded by the eyes of youth
But time kept on moving
And a change has come
You think that I don't know
Where you're coming from

'Cause I feel just like you
And I cry just like you
But I heal just like you
And under my skin
I'm just like you

You gave your love and your innocence
And they took away your confidence
Well I'm not those women
I'm not those men
Put your arms around me
I am your friend


You and everybody else
When I get hurt
I cry for help
And I've got secrets
That god only knows
And god knows I feel...


Keb' Mo' - Perpetual Blues Machine

You had style, you had class
you had everything to make a love last
you had grace, you had charm
you had me hanging on your arm
when i found out you were a fake
you ran up and bit me like a snake
and i was ready to let go
and let all my feelings show

Tell me why you wanna be so cold
why you wanna be so mean
you've gone and let your true colors show
you're a perpetual blues machine

We could've been just fine
if you had only ben all mine
'cause i was for real, but you did not know
that you were steppin' on my heart
as you were walking out the door
but now i know who you are
and it's a damn good thing we didn't get too far
'cause i'm not the one that's right for you
you need a man to do your rolling
like you want him to do

Tell me why you wanna be so cold
why you wanna be so mean
you've gone and let your true colors show
you're a perpetual blues machine

Now you've gone, and I'm glad
that we didn't let it get to bad
you know i tried to make it go
but there was just no way to tell you so

Tell me why you wanna be so cold
why you wanna be so mean
you've gone and let your true colors show
you're a perpetual blues machine

Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World

Shall I tell you about my life
They say I'm a man of the world
I've flown across every tide
And I've seen lots of pretty girls
I guess I've got everything I need
I would't ask for more
And there's no one I'd rather be
But I just wish that I'd never been born
And I need a good woman
to make me feel like a good man should
I don't say I'm a good man
Oh, but I would be if I could
I could tell you about my life
And keep you amused I'm sure
About all the times I've cried
And how I don't want to be sad anymore
And how I wish I was in love

Fleetwood Mac - Need Your Love So Bad

Need someone's hand to lead me through the night
I need someone's arms to hold and squeeze me tight
Now, when the night begins, whoa, I'm at an end
Because I need your love so bad
I need some lips to feel next to mine
Need someone to stand up - to stand up and tell me when I'm lyin'
And when the lights are low - and it's time to go
That's when I need your love so bad
So why don't you give it up, baby and bring it home to me
or write it on a piece of paper, woman - so it can be read to me
Tell me that you love me - and stop drivin' me mad
whoa, because I - I need your love so bad
Need a soft voice - just to talk to me at night
Don't want you to worry, baby
I know we can make everything alright
Listen to my plea, baby, come on bring it to me
'Cause I need - your love so bad
Baby, I need, I need - woman, I need your love so bad

The Ballad of Lucy Jordan

The morning sun touched lightly on the eyes of Lucy Jordan
In a white suburban bedroom in a white suburban town
As she lay there 'neath the covers dreaming of a thousand lovers
Till the world turned to orange and the room went spinning round.

At the age of thirty-seven she realised she'd never
Ride through Paris in a sports car with the warm wind in her hair.
So she let the phone keep ringing and she sat there softly singing
Little nursery rhymes she'd memorised in her daddy's easy chair.

Her husband, he's off to work and the kids are off to school,
And there are, oh, so many ways for her to spend the day.
She could clean the house for hours or rearrange the flowers
Or run naked through the shady street screaming all the way.

At the age of thirty-seven she realised she'd never
Ride through Paris in a sports car with the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing as she sat there softly singing
Pretty nursery rhymes she'd memorised in her daddy's easy chair.

The evening sun touched gently on the eyes of Lucy Jordan
On the roof top where she climbed when all the laughter grew too loud
And she bowed and curtsied to the man who reached and offered her his hand,
And he led her down to the long white car that waited past the crowd.

At the age of thirty-seven she knew she'd found forever
As she rode along through Paris with the warm wind in her hair ...

to, da so vse v angleščini, je čisto naključje, tudi slovenska (ali pa katerakoli druga) besedila so lahko izvrstna...treba je le iskati na pravem mestu...po drugi strani, pa bi bilo po mojem treba za izboljšanje besedil slo poprocka vse akterje zapreti v eno sobo in jim en mesec nonstop predvajati kvaliteten blues; da bi se naučili, da je MANJ lahko tudi VEč...ni treba v vsaki pesmi reševati celega sveta...saj je jutri še en dan


    NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od manyPošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 9:21, 19-Feb-2004
objave: 366
Teme: 10

154.0 kinta/e
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1.0 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: čet 18 Mar, 2004 08:13     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Naya, lep komad, ni kaj.

Sonce, voda, zrak, svoboda!

  Spol:Moški  SkritOsebna Galerija od deviènikPošlji zasebno sporočilo

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
258.2 šold/e
1466.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: čet 18 Mar, 2004 08:32     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Mislm da tale pesem sploh ne rabi komentarja.

Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right
It's all right

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Pridružen/-a: 14:09, 21-Feb-2004
objave: 29
Teme: 9

110.0 kinta/e
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objavaObjavljeno: čet 18 Mar, 2004 17:18     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Hm,ko bi te pesmi bile napisane v Slovenščini,da bi človk,kaj zastopu,da bi vedu zakaj se gre,pol bi morda še men bla kera všeč-tk,pa pojma nimam zakaj se gre in če vam j eprav al pa ne,vam povem ,da se tu na tef forumih vse preveč piše v Angleščini,......pa sej smo vendarle Slovenci..al le hočete pokazat,da znate ,tud tuj jezik,no sej ga tud mal obvladam,a se ne ponašam s tem,prav rad pišem Slovensko,,,sej sem Slovenc.........

    NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od renoPošlji zasebno sporočilo

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 8:59, 05-Dec-2003
objave: 2367
Teme: 369
Kraj: dolenjska
18823.6 kinta/e
116.2 šold/e
286.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: čet 18 Mar, 2004 18:11     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Prestavljam pod Glasbo.

Reno, saj lahko dodaš kakšno dobro slovensko besedilo, ali hrvaško... po tvojem okusu... ajde da vidimo pomežik

Èlovek je svoboden, ko se nièesar ne boji in si nièesar ne želi! angel

 Kozorog Spol:ženska Tiger SkritOsebna Galerija od -Naya-Pošlji zasebno sporočiloPošlji E-sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 14:09, 21-Feb-2004
objave: 29
Teme: 9

110.0 kinta/e
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objavaObjavljeno: čet 18 Mar, 2004 18:43     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Moj okus-hm,kaj vem zadnje čase ne poslušam nč glazbe-mi pa j evšeč zabavna,disco glasba-dober ritem,tud tuje,samo ne toliko po besedilu,kot bolj po ritmu-taka da požene kri

    NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od renoPošlji zasebno sporočilo

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
258.2 šold/e
1466.6 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 01 Jun, 2004 12:55     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Del Amitri
Always The Last To Know

So you're in love with someone else
Someone who burns within your soul
And it looks like I am the last to know
I hear you've never felt so alive
So much desire beyond control
And as usual I am the last to know

The last to know how you're feeling
The last to know where you are
The last to know if you're happy now
Or if he's treating you like I treated you
Or if he's cruel
I'll be the last to know

We spent summers up beyond the bay
And you said these were such perfect days
But if the bomb drops baby
I wanna be the last to know
But now you're living up behind the hill
And though we share the same city and feel the same sun
When your winter comes
I'll be the last to know

The last to know how you're feeling
The last to know where you are
The last to know if you're happy now
Or if he's pleading with you
Like I pleaded with you if you go
Don't let me be the last to know
Don't let me be the last to know

Creation's gone crazy
The tv's gone bad
And you're the only sane thing that I had

The last to know how you're feeling
The last to know where you are
The last to know if you're happy now
Or if he cheated on you
Like I cheated on you oh
You were the last to know
You were the last to know
Don't let me be the last to know

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

0.0 kinta/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 01 Jun, 2004 15:29     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Morning On Earth

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to
Silence every beating heart; every sound of breathing
Now there is something inside of me that aches as I hear you
Breathing here when you sleep between these morning sheets

I am the tears in your mouth
I am the weight on your shoulder
I am the scream that wants out
And my heart just couldn't grow colder
Now this rusty heart is my gift
This fallen love is my gift

Morning arrives on an Earth I've never seen before
Revealing a life that I never really understood
Strange, the way beauty can hurt the unopened eye
Much more than all of the filth and pain
That we're soaked in ever could

I am the tears in your mouth
I am the weight on your shoulder
I am the scream that wants out
And my heart just couldn't grow colder

Hear this voice, see this man standing before you
I'm just a child trapped inside the body of a man

"A relation, so oddly old - bred not to love
Suffers the beaten grounds of Idioglossia
We talk but we do not speak
Together only in our incapability to leave this fallen playground
We rule this Empire merely with these few crippled toys
Rust in our faces
This is what we can share - this is all we can lose
Furiously we will linger to it with our lives
Cling to its rust and pains
Barefoot and torn
Bred not but born to love"

Hear this voice, see this man standing before you
I'm just a child trapped inside this fallen man
See this child

Tale je ena izmed mnogih (izvajalec pa je Pain Of Salvation)

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