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Pridružen/-a: 13:03, 25-Maj-2004
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objavaObjavljeno: čet 03 Jun, 2004 09:59     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Men je pa tale po moje r en izmed boljših

LOVE IS A SHIELD od Camouflage

Love is a shield,
to hide behind,
love is a field
to grow inside,
and when I sometimes close my eyes
my mind starts spinning round.
Love is a baby
in a mother's arms,
love is your breath
which makes me warm,
and when I sometimes close my eyes,
my mind starts spinning round.
There is a feeling
that flows through me,
when you are near
you make it real
and we could live for this ideal.
And all the pictures we run through,
seem to be perfect,
seem to be true.
But nothing is quite forever,
especially staying together.

I don't care now
what comes along,
what counts is us,
no matter what will be,
just this naivety.
The changing words we're taking in,
seem to be perfect,
seem to win.
But nothing is quite forever,
especially staying together.

 Strelec Spol:Moški Mačka NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od rokovnjacPošlji zasebno sporočilo

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 15:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
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objavaObjavljeno: Sre 21 Jul, 2004 09:57     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

Zdj sm se spomnla na tale komad:

Dok hodamo gradom,
korak po korak,
reci mi duso:
"Da li sam ti jos drag"?
Reci mi duso:
"S kime dijelis sne"?
Stvorena Ti si samo za mene.

Dok hodamo gradom,
korak po korak
i po nama pada kisa,
kao,kap po kap.
Krijem ti glavu
kao dijete goluba,
skrivam te od svih
muskih pogleda.

Jer ljubav je tako slijepa,
sa tobom bih na kraj svijeta.
Korak po korak.(2X)
Svaki put kad Ti kazem:"Volim te",
Ti pobjegnes daleko od mene.
Korak po korak.(2)

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 15:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
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objavaObjavljeno: Sre 21 Jul, 2004 12:03     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

No se besedilo od tega komada k sm ga tko besno iskala. nasmeh

"I Want You"

The last time I saw her
Was the night she said goodbye
She said that love's a stranger
And it's sure to pass you by
As she packed up her belongings
She wouldn't look me in the eye
But I could see a tear roll
Off her face
As we both tried so hard
Not to cry she said

I never wanted the stars
I never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All I wanted was you
So baby just turn away
Because I can't face the truth
All I'm trying to say
Is all I wanted was you

I tried so hard to remember
Where when how why love went away
I tried to drown myself in pity
But the whiskey kept calling your name

I bought you fancy cars and diamond rings
All the things that money brings
And the servants to paint the sky blue
And I worked so hard seven days a week
And built a fortress for your heart to keep
If I could I'd wrap these words up for you

I never wanted the stars
I never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All I wanted was you
So baby just turn away
Because I can't face the truth
All I'm trying to say
Is all I wanted was you

I may have built for you a dreamhouse
But never thought you were alone
I filled the party up with company
But never made our house a home
All I got is my guitar these chords and the truth
All I got is my guitar ... but all I want is you

People plan...God laughs...

 Oven Spol:ženska Pes NI na linijiOsebna Galerija od ShajtanaPošlji zasebno sporočiloBlogObišči avtorjevo spletno stran

0.0 kinta/e

objavaObjavljeno: Pon 26 Jul, 2004 18:38     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh

No pol bom dau pa še jest eno lepo ljubezensko balado od starih dobrih
Mötley Crue

You are all I need

The blade of my knife
Faced away from your heart
Those last few nights
It turned and sliced you apart
This love that I tell
Now feels lonely as hell
From this padded prison cell

So many times I said
You'd only be mine
I gave my blood and my tears
And loved you cyanide
When you took my lips
I took your breath
Sometimes love's better off dead

You're all I need, make you only mine
I love you so I set you free
I had to take your life
You're all I need, you're all I need
And I loved you but you didn't love me

Laid out cold
Now we're both alone
But killing you helped me keep you home
I guess it was bad
Cause love can be sad
But we finally make the news

Tied up smiling
I thought you were happy
Never opened your eyes
I thought you were napping
I got so much to learn
About love in this world
But we finally made the news

You're all I need, make you only mine
I loved you so, so I put you to sleep.

:evil :roker :cupa shit hapends

No.1 uporabnik
No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
698.5 šold/e
422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:14     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


Sacred Serenity

Wherever we go, whatever we do
Your shadow is not far behind our steps
And our breath
Protecting and watching all...
Observing spirits on the wall
What are they telling you?

Following all instincts that are pure
Oblivious to time that may be the cure

Sacred is the gift that they
have without knowing
Serenity is knowing it"s safe
from destruction of time

[Solo: Schuldiner]

Maybe we could take a step back
And discover what leads us to attack
Time that is short - distance unknown
For them, each day life has just begun
Observing spirits on the wall
What are they telling you?

Following all instincts that are pure
Oblivious to time that may be the cure

[Repeat chorus]

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
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No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
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422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:16     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


Dream Theater
Through Her Eyes

She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance

Now that I’ve become aware
And I’ve exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair

I’m learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

Just beyond the churchyard gates
Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate

"In loving memory of our child"
So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died

I’m learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

And as her image
Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed

And I know what it’s like
To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same

She wasn’t given any choice
Desperation stole her voice
I’ve been given so much more in life
I’ve got a son, I’ve got a wife

I had to suffer one last time
To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last

The door has opened wide
I’m turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
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No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
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422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:19     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


carl orff
carmina burana (exc.)

1. fortuna imperatrix mundi (o fortuna chorus)

O Fortuna O Fortune,
velut luna like the moon
statu variabilis, you are changeable,
semper crescis ever waxing
aut decrescis; and waning;
vita detestabilis hateful life
nunc obdurat first oppresses
et tunc curat and then soothes
ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it;
egestatem, poverty
potestatem and power
dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice.

Sors immanis Fate - monstrous
et inanis, and empty,
rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel,
status malus, you are malevolent,
vana salus well-being is vain
semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing,
obumbrata shadowed
et velata and veiled
michi quoque niteris; you plague me too;
nunc per ludum now through the game
dorsum nudum I bring my bare back
fero tui sceleris. to your villainy.

Sors salutis Fate is against me
et virtutis in health
michi nunc contraria, and virtue,
est affectus driven on
et defectus and weighted down,
semper in angaria. always enslaved.
Hac in hora So at this hour
sine mora without delay
corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings;
quod per sortem since Fate
sternit fortem, strikes down the string man,
mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me!

2. fortune plango vulnera

Fortune plango vulnera I bemoan the wounds of Fortune
stillantibus ocellis with weeping eyes,
quod sua michi munera for the gifts she made me
subtrahit rebellis. she perversely takes away.
Verum est, quod legitur, It is written in truth,
fronte capillata, that she has a fine head of hair,
sed plerumque sequitur but, when it comes to seizing an opportunity
Occasio calvata. she is bald.

In Fortune solio On Fortune"s throne
sederam elatus, I used to sit raised up,
prosperitatis vario crowned with
flore coronatus; the many-coloured flowers of prosperity;
quicquid enim florui though I may have flourished
felix et beatus, happy and blessed,
nunc a summo corrui now I fall from the peak
gloria privatus. deprived of glory.

Fortune rota volvitur: The wheel of Fortune turns;
descendo minoratus; I go down, demeaned;
alter in altum tollitur; another is raised up;
nimis exaltatus far too high up
rex sedet in vertice sits the king at the summit -
caveat ruinam! let him fear ruin!
nam sub axe legimus for under the axis is written
Hecubam reginam. Queen Hecuba.

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
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Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
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422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:20     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


raven of dispersion

fly alone into the dark and the cloud of memory
to see the world and angels be hurled into the sea
of misery and cease to be

black bird fly, rise very high
to a place above the sky
take me away, lead astray
where i find another day

fly high to a place above the sky
fly away where i find another day

fly alone into the dark and the cloud of memory
to see the world and angels be hurled into the sea
of misery and cease to be

black bird fly, rise very high
to a place above the sky
take me away, lead astray
where i find another day

fly high to a place above the sky
fly away where i find another day

the black bird carry me on it"s wings
to a place beyond the flood of memory
the raven of dispersién from
a"arab zaraq fly in ecstacy

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
698.5 šold/e
422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:28     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh



something fearless in your eyes
something careless about your smile
something fragile when you hold your breath
and when you move
you move right through me

fingertips so gently on my skin
i'm underwater
i feel the flood begin
fingertips so gently on my skin
you're taking over and over again

shed your armour
spin your web
hypnotise me with the longest stare
make your promise
or maybe it's a threat
'cos when you look
you look right through me

we're flesh and bone
together and alone
and we're looking for a home

silver moonlight fills the sky
calling gently to the evening tide
you're unfolding right before my eyes
and when you move
you move right through me

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
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objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:31     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh



li da di
li da di
li da di da di da li


don't you know that when you touch me baby that it's torture
brush up against me i get chills all down my spine
when you talk to me it's painful
you don't know what you do to this heart of mine, ehh

don't make this one dimensional
the way i feel is sexual
the way i feel is sexual
it can't be intellectual
the way i feel is sexual
the way i feel is sexual
when you're next to me

li da di
li da di
li da di da di da li


i confess i watch your mouth move baby when you're speaking
study your body when you walk out of the room
you'll see how much you value my friendship
but i want you addicted to my perfume, ehh


when you're next to me

li da di
li da di
li da di da di da li

baby talk to me and let me kiss you
let me show you the things i can do for you, ehh


when you're next to me

li da di
li da di
li da di da di da li

don't make this one dimensional

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
698.5 šold/e
422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:34     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


Hot Chocolate
Sexy Thing

I believe in miracles
Where you from
You sexy thing
I believe in miracles
Since you came along
You sexy thing

Miracles right before my eyes
You sexy thing got me hypnotised
Don't stop what ya' doing
What ya' doing to me
My angel from above lying next to me
How did ya' know that I'd be the one
Been a long time coming only just begun
Doing all the things that makes my heart sing
Keep doing what you're doing you sexy thing

How did ya' know I needed you so badly
How did ya' know I gave my heart gladly
Yesterday I was one of a lonely people
Now you're lying next to me
Making love to me

I believe in miracles
Where you from
You sexy thing
You sexy thing
I believe in miracles
Since you came along
You sexy thing

Only yesterday I was on my own
Just another day later my mind was blown
You sexy thing come into my life
Forever and a day it feels so right
How did ya' know that I'd be the one
Been a long time coming only just begun
Doing all the things that makes my heart sing
Keep doing what you're doing you sexy thing

How did ya' know I needed you so badly
How did ya' know I gave my heart gladly
Yesterday I was one of a lonely people
Now you're lying next to me
Making love to me

I believe in miracles
Where you from
You sexy thing
You sexy thing
I believe in miracles
Since you came along
You sexy thing

Kiss me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Touch me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Kiss me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Touch me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Kiss me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Touch me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Kiss me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

Touch me baby
You sexy thing
You sexy thing

You sexy thing

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
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Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
698.5 šold/e
422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 00:46     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


Wild Child

I ride, I ride the winds that bring the rain
A creature of love and I can't be tamed
I want you, cause I'm gonna take your love from him
And I'll touch your face and hot burning skin
No, he'll never ever touch you like I do
So look in my eyes and burn alive the truth

I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do
I want you

Tell me, tell me the lies you're telling himwhen you
Run away cause I wanna know
Cause I, I'm sure it's killing him to find
That you run to me when he lets you go
Cause I'm burning, burning, burning up with fire
So come turn me on and turn the flames up higher

I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do
I want you

A naked heat machine, I want your love
When the moons arise we'll feel just what it does

I'm a wild child, come and love me
I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do
I want you

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
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objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
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objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 08:47     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


George Frideric Handel
Messiah, Part 1

20. Air

He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
(Isaiah 40:11)

Come unto Him, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest.
Take His yoke upon you, and learn of Him; for He is meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
(Matthew 11:28-29)

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
No.1 uporabnik

Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
698.5 šold/e
422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 08:52     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh



Some Want To Think Hope Is Lost
See Me Stand Alone
I Can't Do What Others May Want
Then I'll Have No Home

So For Now Wave Good-bye And Leave Your Hands Held High
Hear This Song Of Courage Long Into The Night
So For Now Wave Good-bye Leave Your Hands Held High
Hear This Song Of Courage Long Into The Night

And The Wind Will Bear My Cry
To All Who Hope To Fly
Hear This Song Of Courage
Ride Into The Night

Battles Are Fought By Those With The Courage To Believe
They Are Won By Those Who Find The Heart Find A Heart To Share
This Heart That Fills The Soul Will Point The Way To Victory
If There's A Fight Then I'll Be There I'll Be There

So For Now Wave Good-bye, Leave Your Hands Held High
Hear This Song Of Courage Long Into The Night
And The Wind Will Bear My Cry To All Who Hope To Fly
Lift Your Wings Up High My Friend Fearless To The End

So For Now Wave Good-bye, Leave Your Hands Held High
Hear This Song Of Courage Long Into The Night

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

 2 opozoril pred Izključitvijo! Rak Spol:Moški Tiger
SkritOsebna Galerija od ankhPošlji zasebno sporočilo
No.1 uporabnik
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Starost: 50
Pridružen/-a: 23:10, 17-Dec-2003
objave: 1679
Teme: 83
Kraj: ljubljana
26164.4 kinta/e
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422.4 flika/e

objavaObjavljeno: Tor 27 Jul, 2004 12:39     Naslov sporočila:  (brez zadeve) Odgovori s citatomBottom of PageNazaj na vrh


Van Halen
Not enough

To love somebody naturally
To love somebody faithfully
To love somebody equally
Is not enough, it's not enough
It's not enough

To love somebody secretly (And never touch)
To love somebody honestly (And always trust)
To love somebody tenderly
The tender touch is not enough
It's not enough

Love hurts you sometimes
It's not so easy to find, no
Searchin' everywhere, you turn and swear
It's always been there

To love somebody foolishly (Can happen once)
To love somebody hopelessly (It hurts so much)
To love somebody equally
Is not enough, it's not enough
It's not enough

Love takes a little time
It's not so easy to find, no, no
Searchin' everywhere, you turn and swear
It's always been there

(Guitar Solo)
Standin' there....


And if it don't come easily
One thing you must believe
You can always have trust in me
'Cause my heart will always be, yours honestly

Yeah! Love hurts you sometimes
Not so easy to find, no-oh
Searchin' everywhere, you turn and swear
It's always been there, standin' there
Love hurts you sometimes
It's not yours, it's not mine, no-oh
Love is only to share
You turn and swear it's everywhere
Standin' there
'Cause it's always been there

najveèji èlovekov užitek in èudež je ankh: zalivanje zibeli življenja s tekoèino življenja.

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