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Starost: 117
Pridružen/-a: 9:52, 20-Nov-2003
objave: 10490
Teme: 2469
Kraj: Ljubljana
134069.9 kinta/e
1015531.8 šold/e
10048.2 flika/e
Ali poznate ta izraz?
Ali veste kdo so ti ljudje?
Kako se obnašajo in zakaj se tkao obnašajo?
In order to obtain their necessary daily dosage of attention, attention whores will employ variety of tactics. Common examples include:
* Telling outrageous, usually untruthful stories about things which they claim happened to them. These stories may include incidents during which they were almost raped; claiming that they have been (or are being) stalked; claiming that they were shot in the spleen, et cetera.
* Cam whoring.
* Claiming to be bisexual.
* Posting poetry which alludes to their "dark and mysterious" past.
* Wanting answers to their retarded questions by exclaiming: "I'm so confused!"
* Tricking guys into the Friend Zone.
* Contributing to Encyclopedia Dramatica.
* Stealing from Encyclopedia Dramatica.
* Posting song lyrics meant to describe their "no one understands me!" emotional states.
* Cutting or occasionally half-heartedly attempting suicide.
* Deleting their LiveJournals, only to return 48 hours later.
* Insulting or ridiculing certain people in public forums or IRC channels, in hopes of sparking a flame war.
* Upon starting a flame war and getting called out on bullshit, claiming they "don't really care," but returning numerous times to leave butthurt responses.
* Shameless self promotion.
* Claiming to have every selectable ethnicity in their online profiles (eg White, Asian, Black, Middle Eastern, Native American, Latin, Other) when they're probably just a dumb white slut.
* Claiming whatever the maximum height they can choose is. Interestingly, they will never select the minimum height.
* Diagnosing oneself as having Asperger Syndrome, OCD, Bipolar disorder, or depression and flaunting it, or just using it as an excuse to be an asshole.
* Wearing very little or very slutty clothing IRL.
* Upon breaking up with her boyfriend, changing her status on her Myspace profile to “Divorced”.
* Deleting and recreating MySpace after MySpace.
* Claiming on their Myspace that they make $250,000 or more a year.
* Selecting Islam or Muslim as their religion when their pictures show them to be fans of such untowelhead behavior as showing skin and collecting piercings.
* Taking hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of their face at various angles and degrees of lighting and posting them upon the internets
* Answering questions with an obnoxious non-sequitor that has nothing to do with the question posed.
Beware! If you have sex with one of these people she or he will tell the whole Internets how shit you were. In detail. Even if you're really good. Furthermore, if you end a relationship with an attention whore, she may invite the whole world to an online self pity party and reveal to everyone what a evil person you are.
www.vakciji.si ------------------ www.povej.com
Starost: 118
Pridružen/-a: 1:05, 14-Feb-2007
objave: 1287
Teme: 40
70101.8 kinta/e
1177.6 šold/e
1576.3 flika/e
Poznam, vem kdo so (a bi radi imena?) in baje, da se v vsakem forumskem piscu skriva delček tega. Tako da ne mislit, da se to dogaja samo drugim. čeprav največji/e virtualne attention whores skoz trdijo, da so to drugi ne oni.
So mi pa v angleščini navedeni razpoznavni znaki za to mal mimo.
I'll be back!
Starost: 117
Pridružen/-a: 9:52, 20-Nov-2003
objave: 10490
Teme: 2469
Kraj: Ljubljana
134069.9 kinta/e
1015531.8 šold/e
10048.2 flika/e
ja ok, če misliš, da bi znala v slovensščini napisat znake bolje, bi bilo lepo da jih napišeš!
www.vakciji.si ------------------ www.povej.com
Starost: 118
Pridružen/-a: 1:05, 14-Feb-2007
objave: 1287
Teme: 40
70101.8 kinta/e
1177.6 šold/e
1576.3 flika/e
Ni point v jezikih, ampak v znakih samih. Ker so omejeni večinoma na specifične internetne situacije od forumov do myspacea ipd.
če je že treba citirat tretjerazredne razlage tega poimenovanja, pa se mi vseeno nekoliko bolj smiselna oziroma širše zajeta zdi tale, pa čeprav je bolj kot ne napisano vse v šali:
Drugače pa kot sme že omenila v eni drugi temi. Tokio je recimo meka za attention whores.
Zelo zmotno je tudi prepričanje, da so to lahko samo ženske.
Pa še en joke material na isto temo:
I'll be back!
Starost: 42
Pridružen/-a: 14:17, 08-Dec-2003
objave: 4204
Teme: 66
Kraj: Lj
68412.4 kinta/e
258.2 šold/e
1466.6 flika/e
Poznam ja, sm mela en extra primerek "sreco" mal blizje spoznat..po spletu okoliscin.
Sam to po moje kaze ze dolocene tezave v cloveku, mogoce nekaksn beg od tega kar bi moral razresit al pa kej. Je pa meni osebno to zlo nadlezno..ce priznamo ali ne, vsi v dolocenem trenutku rabimo pozornost, ampak kr je prevec je pa prevec..razno hlinjenje slabega pocutja, smiljenje samemu sebi, custveno izsiljevanje itd. Ne, hvala. Se tej osebi rajs na dalec ognem.
People plan...God laughs...
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